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Grade 7

590 records found. Displaying 133 - 144.


Elie Wiesel: The Perils of Indifference

Elie Wiesel lost most of his family to the Nazi death camps of World War II. As a Holocaust survivor, he dedicated his life to ending injustice, suffering, and indifference. In this 1999… More →


Ellis Island

First-hand accounts, historical photographs, and engaging text combine to explore the experiences of immigrants to North America during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This… More →


Emma Watson: UN Gender Equality Speech

As a famous actor and person of privilege, Emma Watson's 2014 speech as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador was a call for equality and justice. In her speech, she implores men and boys to… More →


Energy Entrepreneurs

From lighting our homes to helping us travel, we depend on energy every day. This enlightening title introduces readers to the innovative entrepreneurs who are powering forward with new ways… More →


Energy from the Sun: Solar Power

The endless and enormous power of the sun provides life to all organisms on Earth, from the smallest plant to the largest animal. This awesome power is being used today to provide a rich and… More →


Energy in Crisis

Energy makes things work. From coal and wood to gas and oil, planet Earth has a wealth of natural resources packed full of energy. The way that energy is produced and the amount we use have a More →


Engineering Entrepreneurs

Engineering is a field that people rely on every day. This interesting book looks at the ingenious entrepreneurs who are finding new and better methods of building roads and structures,… More →

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