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Grade 7

590 records found. Displaying 229 - 240.

Health · Social Studies

Inhalants and Solvents

A recent survey on drug use recorded 729,000 youths 12 years of age or older who had used inhalants and solvents for the first time within the past year. These substances, along with… More →

High Interest

Internet - electronic global village

This fascinating book explains how we have become an online world. The history of the Internet is detailed along with an easy-to-follow explanation of how it works. Finding information will… More →


Internment Camps

An important addition to any multicultural collection, this title examines the internment of "enemy aliens" in the United States and Canada during the Second World War. With particular… More →


Introducing the Periodic Table

This informative title introduces readers to periodic table of elements. Clear, concise text and supportive images explain how the periodic table was created and its significance in the… More →


Invasive Animal Species

Foxes, rabbits, mongooses, rats, starlings, turtles, Burmese pythons, and Asian carp are just a few of the invasive animals introduced by people into countries and ecosystems to which they… More →

High Interest

Island Survival Guide

This fun and informative survival guide introduces readers to the challenging environment of a deserted island. Useful tips tell you how to stay calm, what you can - and shouldn't - eat, how… More →


Is There a Future for Fossil Fuels?

Natural gas, oil, and coal are finite resources, and their use contributes to deadly smog and global warming. The Future of Fossil Fuels follows the world's dependence on these resources and… More →


It Doesn't Grow on Trees: Sources of Income

Readers learn about making, saving, and borrowing money in this illuminating guide for young people on how to manage the money they earn. Helpful examples get readers thinking about how they… More →


James Baldwin: Cambridge Debate Speech

James Baldwin was an author, social critic, and activist known for his deep understanding of race and class in the United States. This book introduces readers to his speech from a 1965 debate More →


Jennifer Lawrence

Barely into her twenties, actress Jennifer Lawrence has quickly risen to superstar status after appearing in the mega-hit movie The Hunger Games. Acting in local theater at an early age, she… More →


John Cena

Not only is John Cena a world championship-winning superstar of the WWE, he is also an actor who has starred in a number of movies and a rapper who has realeased his own album. A gifted… More →

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