Although still listed as critically endangered, the mountain gorilla is the only great ape whose population is increasing in the wild. Humans still pose their greatest threat, but a number of More →
Grade 7
590 records found. Displaying 49 - 60.
Native to several mountain ranges and plateaus in south Asia and eastern Europe, the snow leopard has been threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and a reduced food source. Learn how… More →
Once thought to be extinct in the wild, the southern white rhino is now classified as near threatened and lives mostly on protected reserves. Over 100 years of conservation efforts have made… More →
The only remaining wild population of whooping cranes breeds in Canada and winters in the United States. The story of their recovery is a tale of cross-border cooperation and the work of a… More →
Inspiring people for decades, Buffy Saint-Marie is a singer-songwriter, visual artist, activist, educator, public speaker, and philanthropist. Beginning life as an orphan on a reserve in… More →
"Green living" means changing the way we live and use resources so that the environment is able to produce indefinitely the things we need to live. Building a Green Community walks young… More →
This book takes a look at what a space home might look like and what it would take to live on Mars - the Red Planet (or any other place in space, for that matter). From the Mars ice home of… More →
Building Green Places takes a 'green' look at careers in planning, designing, and building energy-efficient facilities in which to live, work, and play. It also includes the development of… More →
Choose an avatar and jump into the virtual world. This exciting gaming title introduces readers to top game creators, and gives tips and tricks for creating and customizing virtual world… More →
This engaging title helps readers build essential research and information sourcing skills for self-directed learning. Accessible text and authentic examples model effective research… More →
This important book shows how the use of fossil fuels is changing Earth's climate and what scientists are doing to find sustainable forms of energy that will secure our planet's future. We… More →