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Grade 7

590 records found. Displaying 61 - 72.


California and Other Western Wildfires

It cost $10 billion to combat the wildfires in California in 2017 that scorched 300,000 acres of land and left 100,000 people displaced. With dry weather and drought bringing more… More →


Calvin Klein: Fashion Design Superstar

Calvin Klein, a boy from the Bronx, took his first clothing line of three dresses and six coats to an appointment at Bonwit Teller, New York's department store for the wealthy. Before long,… More →


Careers in Undercover Operations

From forensic scientists and intelligence agents in the field to cyber action teams and counter-terror workers, this exciting book examines the kinds of work done by people in undercover… More →



The exciting events of three historic attacks on medieval castles are told in graphic novel format: In 1203-1204, French King Philip II, lays siege to Chateau Gaillard, a castle in France… More →


Catastrophic Weather

Climate influences the features of the landscape, what farmers can grow, where people live, and the type of houses they build. But what happens when the climate changes abruptly and… More →

Social Studies

Censorship and Privacy

Supporting media and information literacy concepts, this engaging title explores freedom of speech, the role of news media, issues of censorship, and citizens' privacy around the world.… More →

Social Studies

Change and Resilience

A person will experience many changes throughout their lifetime. Adapting and surviving is the difficult part. This practical title addresses the concept of resilience and how to cope with… More →


Charles Darwin

"Animals that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and have more offspring." He named this idea natural selection. This fascinating biography details the life and… More →

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