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Social-Emotional Learning

64 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.

Ask for Help

Why is it important to ask for help? How can helping others help you? And why are there no stupid questions when asking for help? Find out about the power of working in a team, and how… More →


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

This insightful title provides an overview of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other emotional and behavioral disorders, including Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Symptoms, causes, More →


Beat Stress! The Exam Handbook

Help young readers deal with the pressure and strain of test time with this latest title from Crabtree Publishing. Learn techniques for preparing for exams without 'blowing a gasket.' More →


Be Mindful! Be Here Now

Our thoughts have a habit of wandering when we should be focusing on what we are doing. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to what is happening around you right now in the… More →


Boost Your Brain

What is a 'brain hug'? Can making up silly songs help you with your homework? Could staring at an apple give your brain superpowers? Find out to boost your brain in fun ways that will help… More →


Can We Be Friends? Buddy Building Strategies

Children who belong to healthy peer groups are generally happier and function at a higher level. Will You Be My Friend? helps young students learn the steps it takes to meet, make, and keep a friend. More →


Can We Get Along? Dealing with Differences

Learning to tolerate different opinions, perspectives, and beliefs is vital to a healthy society. Slim Goodbody's Can't We Get Along? helps students understand the need and importance for… More →


Coping with Loss. The Life Changes Handbook

Loss can be a difficult concept for children to understand and deal with. Coping with Loss offers caring and sensible advice to young readers facing another's passing, a parents' divorce,… More →


Creating a Happy School Community

This instructive book looks at schools as safe places where children of all backgrounds and abilities can build strong social and emotional skills and improve attitudes about themselves and… More →


Different Families

This timely and sensitive title helps define a family, from members related by birth to stepparents and same-sex parents. Children will learn that loving families look after each other, even… More →


Family Matters: Plays About Family Changes

Resentment and compassion link these two reader's theater-style plays that help teach young people how to deal with real situations. Both deal with traumatic changes within a family - a… More →


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

An estimated 40,000 children are born with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the United States each year. The impacts on school and family, and social life are immense. FASDs are a group… More →

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