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Social Studies

292 records found. Displaying 1 - 24.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
19th Century Clothing 6.0
A Child's Day 5.0
A Child's Day (revised edition)
Activism and Volunteering
Ancient Egypt Inside Out
Ancient Rome Inside Out
Ancient Underground Structures 5.9
Animal Rights Activist 6.5
A One-Room School (revised edition)
A Refugee's Journey from Afghanistan
A Refugee's Journey from Bhutan 5.2
A Refugee's Journey From Colombia 5.1
A Refugee's Journey from Eritrea 4.9
A Refugee's Journey from Iraq
A Refugee's Journey From Myanmar 5.0
A Refugee's Journey from Nigeria 4.6
A Refugee's Journey From South Sudan 4.8
A Refugee's Journey from Syria
A Refugee's Journey from Ukraine 4.8
A Refugee's Journey From Yemen 4.8
Art in Different Places
A Slave Family 6.6
Atlas and Globe Skills 4.8
Australia - the culture
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